After the defeat of the Taira, Yoshitsune star gleamed with its full intensity. While, eaten by jealousy and envy, Yoritomo decided to delete it. Over five years he was chasing Yoshitsune and his followers, who not only remained faithful to the end, but is devoted to die of the most picturesque, particularly suitable to be represented in the kabuki . This was the case for Satô Tadanobu, who was caught by Yoritomo's men while he was with her lover (who had previously reported), and when they saw their enemies attacked them grabbing the first thing that came to hand, proved to be a Go board.

full of rival Minamoto Yoritomo in 1192 proclaimed himself shogun , a position which until then had been to something like a minister of war. Yoritomo, therefore, was not the first shogun of Japan, but the first to rely on the title to be the absolute ruler behind a puppet emperor. As if to emphasize the separation between the effective power of shogun and nominal power of the Emperor, Yoritomo moved the institutions of government from Kyoto to Kamakura. Therefore, this period is known as the shogunate ( Bakufu ) of Kamakura.

_____________ * See chapter 3.
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