In 1318 Emperor Go-Daigo ascended the throne. Upon seeing the spineless shikken the moment * decided to follow in the footsteps of Go-Toba ** and try to recover for themselves all the powers of government. This time better prepared the way with the monks of Enryaku-Ji, naming his son, say, abbot of the monastery. In 1331 the Emperor fled from Kyoto to the imperial ensigns, which spent part of their legitimacy, and took refuge in the monastery. Go-Daigo also had the support of Kusunoki Masashige, a leading figure in the military history of Japan for his skills as a strategist. I must say that, in retrospect, Masashige tactics seem somewhat childish. For example, being besieged in his castle by overwhelmingly superior forces of shikken , they did believe that his men had killed themselves en masse in a great fire, when in fact it had slipped back by a postern. And another: still under siege again, he suggested the attackers that the garrison had been bribed, and when those entrusted entered through an open door, it closed them in and were massacred by the men of Masashige designed to do so. In any case, Masashige was the first Japanese military techniques developed long siege.

Over time, Takauji got reorganized in Kyushu, inflicted a severe defeat on the imperial troops sent against him, and returned to Honshu with a large army. Very alarmed, Go-Daigo came true once again Masashige who, seeing the magnitude of the forces that lay ahead, he suggested a tactical retreat to Enryaku-Ji, leaving Takauji temporarily take Kyoto. Go-Daigo wanted no withdrawals, even if they were strategic, and ordered his general progress on Takauji. Masashige, despite knowing it was a losing battle due to the emperor and marched against Takauji at Minatogawa. There, in 1336, met for the last time these unique characters, Masashige, endowed with the cunning of Odysseus and Penelope's loyalty and Takauji, which was rather the type Alcibiades. Masashige was defeated and wounded in battle, and right there committed seppuku . Takauji entered Kyoto Imperial Prince chose a new emperor as puppet, and established new bakufu. For its part, Go-Daigo to Yoshino taking retired, yes, the imperial insignia.

* was Hojo. I try to set the minimum number of names for not rolling over yet. Anyway, here you can see the complete list of shikken Hojo clan.
** See Chapter 6. ***
Bakufu Shogunate means, ie the system of government in which the shogun holds real power. Here you can find a pattern of successive bakufu.
1. Emperor Go-Daigo
2. Masashige in civilian clothes Kusonoki
3. Ashikaga Takauji
4. Kusonoki
Masashige in combat 5. The Battle of Minatogawa
* was Hojo. I try to set the minimum number of names for not rolling over yet. Anyway, here you can see the complete list of shikken Hojo clan.
** See Chapter 6. ***
Bakufu Shogunate means, ie the system of government in which the shogun holds real power. Here you can find a pattern of successive bakufu.
1. Emperor Go-Daigo
2. Masashige in civilian clothes Kusonoki
3. Ashikaga Takauji
4. Kusonoki
Masashige in combat 5. The Battle of Minatogawa
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