Those who have read some of the criticisms of film in this blog already know what to expect from them. For others, I warn you will not find deep knowledge of cinema. Moreover, often they will realize that the author of the critique (I) was not aware of anything, and may even legitimately suspect has fallen asleep during the screening. So do not be offended (or if) those battered see your favorite movies here. In fact, the author does not often talk about the films you have liked, but those that have called attention to find excessive, pretentious, absurd, or, to his regret, funny. If you are still encouraged, keep reading .
Life seems to go smoothly for Tom Cruise. It is a successful doctor, has a daughter, lives in a nice house, invite him to party with pretty girls, and is married to Nicole Kidman. But one night, after smoking a joint, it tells him something terrible. The previous year, when summer, crossed the hotel lobby with an ocean. Not cross a word, but he looked at her. At that time, she confesses to a stunned Kidman Cruise, she would have left everything, including her husband and daughter, and would have gone with him.
How? Us go to that moment. As the marine in question has not opened his mouth how could arouse in her such passion? It is legitimate, if Kidman is particularly attractive, you feel the uncontrollable urge to drag the broom closet and give him his due, but go with him? What if, after speaking voice is shrill, or recite verses Gamoneda? Revelation is therefore dramatic for Cruise, but not because immediately understood the implication (that is: I am married to an idiot) but because, suddenly, he seems to discover that life is as normal as it seemed in its peaceful discourse. His wife has just revealed that beneath the placid surface, flowing dark and stormy passions. Hence, I suppose, the title: eyes wide shut.
That night a bewildered Cruise embarks on a journey erotic side of the moon. To begin, go to the wake of the father of a patient who, before the corpse, Cruise confesses her love for him. Thus, another lunatic. Then, Cruise will whores (though without consummating). And then enters a bar where the piano plays a former college classmate, who has agreed at a party at the beginning of the film. The friend then confesses a secret. Throughout of recent weeks has been hired to play the piano, blindfolded, at private parties. On one such occasion the band slipped from her eyes, and saw the most amazing scenes featuring the most beautiful women. That night, he continues, is again contracted, and Cruise convinces him to tell him where and provide the necessary password. In an increasingly surreal journey, Cruise goes to a costume shop to stock up on appropriate attire for the party. There the owner treats effectively, immune to having his daughter caught naked with two Asians sixties. The party is another highlight of the film, but the credit should only the casting director. Moreover, it is a bit kitsch. Cruise is somehow detected as an intruder, and in an environment of Fu Manchu film, is expelled and threatened, but not in that order.
Cruise returns the next day to walk the walk. To start, returns the costume, and the owner gives his daughter in exchange for money. All whores, it seems the message of Kubrick. Then the road begins to skirt sex death. Discover the prostitute with whom there was no bed has AIDS. And the most spectacular of the orgy participants died during the night (of overdose, although he believes he was murdered)
All Cruise leaves devastated experience, perhaps because the film has been surrounded by amazing women and has failed to sleep with none. Worse, it ends with Kidman philosophizing about reality and erotic fantasies. And that's all. Perhaps the movie does not deserve so many thoughts, and possibly no one would bother them if it was not Kubrick, but the way things are. The best, the Shostakovich Jazz suite.
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