"The opposition of ideas (cognitions) irreconcilable that same individual conceived simultaneously creates a motivating force that, in appropriate circumstances, lead to adjustment of beliefs to accommodate individual behavior, rather than changing the behavior according to the beliefs ". Leon Festinger
"Who does not live as he thinks, just thinking about how you live" . Gabriel Marcel *
Put an ad in print and hire a group of people to perform work for several hours. Encarguémosles during that time, the realization of the most monotonous, tedious, frustrating, and we get to imagine soporific. Once they finished, divide the group into two. Take care of all that, please convince the new candidates, they expect to perform the same task, this is an exciting activity. For members of the first subgroup, we strengthen this request with a substantial financial reward (say, 200 €). For the second, with a reward incentivémoslos ridiculous (say € 5). Once this order, submit to the entire group met again, a survey of previous work. To our surprise, members of the second subgroup, those who have lied to the candidates for a paltry sum of money, claimed to have found the task much more interesting it that those who have lied for a substantial amount.
Cognitive dissonance is the feeling unpleasant that occurs in a person when it simultaneously attend cognitions (Festinger in words) contradictory. These cognitions include both the individual's beliefs (including what is considered to be good and bad, and its perception of itself), behavior, and perception of the facts (ie, reality itself). While the logical sequence in a rational behavior should be adapted to the beliefs, Festinger argues that in fact the weaker sides of the triangle (behavior, beliefs, facts) are the beliefs, which can be reformulated to fit our behavior, and even the reality, which may be distorted so that, hammer, snap painfully in the scheme. So, of dissonance soothing effects on the individual in the short term, but condemns him to live in a world defined on the basis of their past conduct. Thus, the murderer will live in a world where crime is normal and even recommended.
From the formulation of dissonance theory, and conducting various experiments, Festinger identified several typical patterns of conduct, which he called "paradigms." Which describes the experiment mentioned at the beginning of these lines is the "paradigm of reward enough." In this case, the dissonance generated by the concurrence of cognitions contradictory) lying is wrong, b) I'm good, and c) I'm lying, is mitigated by the existence of a solid reason (for example, I've done because I have been threatened with death, or because I have a lot of money). However, a paltry reward does not provide sufficient justification ("I can not be so tacky as to lie for a pittance), so that dissonance must be eliminated by removing the weakest factor, ie reality. Thus, the subject attempts to take away the fact he lied, and for that we have to be convinced that, in reality, the task has not been so bad.
The paradigm of insufficient response was well known (and was conveniently applied) by the Chinese in the Korean War. After this, the Americans were astonished at the large number of conversions to communism produced between prisoners of war. The explanations pointed to torture and brainwashing, but in most cases the response was insufficient reward paradigm. It seems that the Chinese called the American prisoners to write articles containing praise for the communist (or anti-capitalists were slightly), and in return, they offered little additional quantities of rice. The prisoners, who had yielded to the meager rations suffered the effect of paradigm insufficient reward, and became convinced that actually believed what they had written.
case you want to know one of the paradigms of Festinger, the increase of proselytism by the failure of belief, can be found here .
* This sentence provided by blogger MAIMONIDES, parenthood seems to have discussed, though the Internet is mostly attributed to Marcel.
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