Saturday, January 2, 2010

In Memory Poem For Wedding Program


by Alejandro Prieto

Every time I see "English for the World" within the four walls of my room overlooking the cemented gray and lifeless on my street, I wonder why Granada can not be large green areas where we do sports, breathe, relax and feel alive like so many millions of Europeans, Americans and civilized people around the world. What narrow-mindedness to disable our leaders enthusiastically support ideas such as the Gran Parque Central de Renfe, which would not only a great lung in the center of Granada, but a unique and spectacular economic pull evident throughout the city. What makes you think that any new solar consistently can not have another role that streets accommodate more and more buildings. Why architects like Rafael Moneo reconocidísimos discarded a priori the possibility of a park with leafy trees, as if that were a radical and unworkable idea, and heed not the unanimous voices of neighbors who call for a truly natural space where people of all ages can enjoy away from smoke, pollution and dirt.

is inevitable that over the years arrive the level of Canadian or Scandinavian, the question is how many generations will have bad life until politicians understand what is the quality of life.


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