Thursday, January 20, 2011

Alcohol Catering California

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Chart Of The Bubonic Plague

"For our part, we will start as articulated in the letter S (Ø), which is primarily a signifier. (...) And since the battery of signifiers, as such, is for that very complete, this signifier can not be more than a stroke that is drawn from his circle without being able to count as part of it. Can be symbolized by the omnipresence of a (-1) in the total set of signifiers. As such, it is unpronounceable, but not its operation, as this is what happens every time it is pronounced a proper name. His statement is equal to its meaning. So, figuring that meaning as the algebraic method we use, we have: S (signifier) \u200b\u200b/ s (set) = s (meaning), where S = (-1), gives: s = √-l "

Where is reasonable doubt whether the preceding text was written by an intellectual, or, conversely, produced randomly by a baboon chained to a typewriter, we must recognize that there is a problem in this world (the intellectual). The issue is not trivial, and was raised recently in the Blog Horrocks. In everyday life it is legitimate to suspect, when someone can not produce a sufficiently clear text, which the author does not understand the issue clearly. But obviously, this approach is not immediately transferable to specialized fields such as philosophy, where the lack of matter, and even the language used, the message can not be immediately understandable to the layman.

But if this is undeniable, and we should not rule out in advance the validity of any text that is incomprehensible, it is equally true that the use of language cryptic, not accessible to the public, can be very tempting for unscrupulous intellectual. The abstruse can impersonate deep, and fearing to look like an ignoramus, who does not understand it shall not confess. You can reach this way to a surprising situation in which the "scientific" look no shine the light of knowledge, but, in fact, rely on their darkness. The researcher thus aimed not pretend to discover the workings of things, but narrow a field of pseudo-knowledge in which he governs as High Priest.

Fortunately there are defenses against it. For starters, the philosopher-witch can be unmasked by others of their own specialty. Thus Schopenhauer and Popper, as philosophers, are qualified to say that the philosopher Hegel is a chatterbox. Maybe so, because the witches were not safe in their own jungle along the twentieth century, many among them decided to seek coverage elsewhere, and was chosen mathematics. Thus, these intellectuals turned to catch here and there complicated theories and formulas, and camouflaged with them (just as the command is put in the old leaves to go unnoticed among the vegetation) were released to the scientific world to articulate their own, and often picturesque view. But, alas, the incursions of witches in the jungles others, while waging criticism from colleagues, put a shot of the dwellers of these new jungles. That's what he did in 1996 the physicist Alan Sokal , noting the joy with which some thinkers have been involved in math to defend his approach. A citation from these authors developed a crazy Sokal article titled "Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity", which sent a journal. The magazine published the article without blinking. Moreover, not only found that it was a parody, but then what argument in a debate in which some Scientists criticized the post-modern relativism.

From this joke a few years later Alain Sokal and Jean Bricmont published the book "Fashionable Nonsense" , which respectfully grind to a number of intellectuals, particularly French postmodernists. In the book we see how Lacan (it is the paragraph that begins with this post) use mathematics to conclude that sexual pleasure is compact, the penis is equal to the square root of minus one, and neurotic individual is comparable to the geometric shape of bull (and this is not an analogy, Lacan says emphatically: the neurotic individual is a bull)

is no less interesting to see how the philosopher Luce Irigaray uses math to defend their positions and feminist:

"The equation E = mc ² a sexed equation? Maybe. Let the hypothesis to the extent affirmative that privileges the speed of light over other speeds that are vital to us. What makes me think of the possible sexed nature of the equation is not directly, its use in nuclear weapons, but the fact of having privileged what goes quicker. "

Irigaray also argues that, if known less than the fluid dynamics of solids, is pure machismo. That puts it, in all seriousness, Katherine Hayles,

"(Irigaray) attributed the association of fluidity with femininity the privilege granted to the mechanics of solids on the fluid and the inability of science to address turbulent flows in general. While the man has a protruding sexual organs and rigid, women have them open and they leak menstrual blood and vaginal fluids. Although men sometimes also stream, for example when the semen ejaculates, this aspect of their sexuality is not taken into account. What counts is the rigidity of the bodies male, not its complicity in the fluid flow. These idealizations are reinscribed in mathematics, who see the fluids as laminated planes and other modified solid forms. Just as women are erased in the theories and language are male and not men only, the fluids have also been erased from science and exist only as non-solid. From this perspective it is not surprising that science has been unable to trace a valid model of turbulence. The problem of turbulent flow can not be solved because the conceptions of fluids (and women) have been made to stop waste necessarily inarticulate (Hayles, 1992, pg. 17) ".

Hayle exegesis serves to alert one of the dangers of pseudoscientific verbiage, is extremely contagious.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Swollen Knees Allergic Reation

IG Farben (5)

One of the first moves of the newly formed IG Farben was to get enough shareholder control on the main companies of explosives from Germany. Thus, vertically integrated IG which until then had been their customers. Simultaneously began an international expansion, creating in the United States IG Chemical Company. But France failed its attempts to acquire, through men of straw, Kuhlmann control, the main industry sector, when the true identity of the buyers came to light. A growing concern for IG was that competition in the production of nitrate was growing. France and the United States had built their own plants Haber-Bosch, and other industrialized countries began to develop their own. The growth of global output was expected to shortly IG would have to reduce capacity and Oppau Leuna.

But Bosch's dream was to free Germany from dependence on foreign oil, using this high pressure technology and its huge coal reserves. A patriotic considerations joined the expectation of huge profits, that the spectacular growth of the automotive industry for expecting. In fact, given the increasing demand for fuel, experts predicted the imminent depletion of world oil reserves. As a result of such widespread concern, in 1924 President Calvin Coolidge created the Federal Oil Conservation Board , organization dedicated to the study and development of the sector. Finally

Bosch decided to acquire the rights to the Bergius process of converting coal into synthetic fuel. Bosch was fully aware that even that time had only been able to reproduce in the laboratory, but had full confidence in their technical capacity, in a similar way as was done with the Haber process for the production of nitrates, adapted to industrial production. There was only one problem: the cost. The price of patents, and the amount of investment would have been beyond the reach of BASF alone, there was excessive even for the accumulated resources of IG. It took the genius of Hermann Schmitz *, who had recently been appointed group finance director, to realize the acquisition, but the economic situation of IG was seriously compromised. Immediately, Bosch began building an experimental laboratory Oppau.

In order to alleviate the enormous financial burden of GI, Bosch thought of having an international partner to share research costs and the choice fell on the Standard Oil. Needed only to convince, and to this end, in the spring of 1925 Bosch sent a few senior managers to the United States to survey the interests of the oil. During the visit, which lasted several weeks, the executives mentioned, in passing, the progress that Bosch had been in the process of producing synthetic oil, and invited his colleagues to restore the visit to Germany. Thus in March 1926 Frank Howard, head of research and development, arrived in Ludwigshafen, BASF headquarters. There was so impressed by the German laboratory immediately contacted Walter C. Teagle, president of Standard Oil, which at that time was in Paris, asking him to meet with him in the following terms: "according to my observations and discussions we had today, I think this is the most important issue issue that the company has faced since its dissolution **. BASF can produce high quality gasoline from lignite and other low-quality coals. This means, absolutely, the independence of Europe in fuel supply. We can only compete on price ". Reached Ludwigshafen, Beagle was equally impressed: "did not know what research was until I got here" .

alarm Howard and Teagle was somewhat premature, because Bosch had limited time to build a few experimental furnace in Oppau Bergius. But so visible was the interest of the Standard Oil which eventually spread Bosch himself, who, throwing all caution overboard, ordered the immediate construction of a giant plant with Bergius Haber-Bosch plant in Leuna. He announced to the shareholders of IG, in the their alarm at the meeting held on September 1, 1926. But the move seemed more reasonable when, weeks later, the Federal Oil Conservation Board issued a report that announced grimly that the world's oil reserves would not last more than six years.

Teagle In August 1927, and Bosch reached an agreement for cooperation in research and development, in which the Standard is committed to building a Bergius plant for refining crude oil in Louisiana, getting half the royalties that may result from the process, if this came to fruition and to be patented. Despite the insistence Teagle, Bosch firmly retained all rights to direct production of gasoline from coal. However, only a year later, the economic situation of IG Bosch forced to rethink the situation. In this new agreement, Standard Oil acquired the patent Bergius coal conversion in fuel and operating rights in the world except Germany. In return IG obtained a 2% stake in Standard, and $ 35 million in cash. Both companies have defined their respective spheres of influence in the manner of the great powers.

After the agreement, Bosch devoted himself to another project. In order to eliminate also, the German unit of rubber, IG was working on obtaining a synthetic rubber called Buna from coal. By the time the costs were excessive, and in no way could compete with natural rubber. But Bosch expected to reduce costs by using oil instead of coal as raw material. Once again, the Standard contacted to share the costs and benefits of the project, and the agreement led to the establishment of the Joint American Study Company (JASCO)

sooner had completed agreements between IG Farben and Standard Oil as suffered a devastating blow. The Great Depression, combined with the discovery of new oil wells in Texas, led to a decline in oil prices that caused the project to get synthetic gasoline from coal are being forgotten in a corner. Similarly, even more drastic drop in the price of natural rubber made IG park buna obtaining project, which was not revitalized until the imminence of war.

* See IG Farben (3)
** Refers to the division of Standard Oil Trust in 1911 by decision of the U.S. Supreme Court.
(Pictured, Carl Bosch)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Repairing An Old Galvanized Boat Trailer

Interactive Activities
Editorial ANAYA

Friday, January 7, 2011

Ewcm A Week Before Af Due Is This Ovulation


The other day I came across a column in Public signed by a Vicenç Navarro. The content was outrageous, that is, within the strictest normal in the newspaper. What struck me was the résumé of the author was more than a standard ad columnist.

On its website, VN defends his political exile status of the dictatorship, but provided no additional information on the subject, and in this case there are several issues that move into doubt. First, who was exiled in 60, when the intensity of the repression had fallen sharply. Second, that the dictatorship was the detail of waiting ended VN lead the race before his exile (it was only then that the latter went to work at the University of Uppsala in Sweden, which leads one to suspect that, rather than an exile, was an Erasmus). Thirdly, the return from exile was not the death of the dictator, but almost 20 years later, which could lead to establish certain similarities between VN and Lt. Onoda . Keep in mind that a Franco curriculum is highly profitable, and therefore a certain distrust is healthy.

Vicenç Navarro is a fervent supporter of Historical Memory, ie that the state use public resources abundant to convince people that the story was developed by fantasies of Vicenç Navarro. According to this, the transition was not such, but with the right transaction. In fact, VN is convinced that Spain still live in a true democracy, but a crypto-fascist state. What do you understand by democracy VN? That, at least, we shall find out.

In the article that has given rise to this entry, VN would argue that democracy should not honoring equally to civil war dead, as some were good and others bad. Obviously there were ups and downs, but for NC cutting line coincides exactly with the dividing right and left. This view of things, based on the belief that the left represents Good, it is not unusual among their ranks, then or now. Nor, obviously, democratic. Faced with such conviction, the specific election results often represent a much less relevant issue, and this may explain the socialist response to the electoral triumph of the right in 33. But if this belief is not uncommon, is most striking that someone dares to state it so clearly because usually labeled as outlaws. Perhaps that is why VN in extremis try to rationalize their position: the good were those on the left, but not because they were left, but because they were fighting to restore democracy. The argument, therefore, is at the mercy of good willingness of readers to decide if they eat without flinching that the communists, socialists, anarchists and nationalists were convinced democrats. And, back to October 1934, the revolution would not contradict the assumption of the Socialist Democratic zeal? VN is ready for this question, and responds emphatically: no. Period. VN apparently sees no need to provide additional arguments.

This is your web , in case you want to browse.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Enlarge Blousehow To Do

interests me now comment on one of the fallacies discussed by Scruton: The zero-sum.

zero sum is that situation in which the sum of the profits of some participants is balanced to the sum of the losses of others (ie, what is participants earn about losing others). This is the case, for example, poker. Obviously, not all situations in which we find ourselves are zero-sum, but an optimist unscrupulous insists on extending the concept to all fields. Take the case of prosperity. The fallacy operates by adding the level of individual agents in a given time, cavalierly ignoring the different paths that may have led to different results. Then averaged for imagination, and, once defined the midline, all that's left over will reveal, therefore necessarily have obtained their position grabbing his hand to that below it. Thus, the success becomes evidence of guilt.

The fallacy of zero sum, applied to the study of the weight of the members of a family in which one is anorexic, leads to the conclusion that in fact what happens is that the rest are eating food the thinner. And that is exactly what makes the unscrupulous optimistic look at the international level, where the fallacy is applied with real fervor. Given the evidence that some countries achieve reasonable levels of prosperity while others stagnate in misery, the optimist does not try to analyze what is the recipe that leads to success, but it appears that guilt.

Note the reversal of the sequence prodigious intellectual fallacy causes. Get an advanced society depends on a delicate recipe made from different ingredients: the political system, economic system, the educational and civic leaders and population, the strength of laws and institutions, public authorities control , religion, level of corruption ... However, the zero-sum fallacy makes the best indicator that things are being done well on a test of guilt: if a company is not progressing because they have achieved social alchemy adequate, but because they exploited others. And just as the fallacy of blaming the companies that have done good homework, disclaims responsibility for those who have not done. Thus, an open and democratic society can be criminalized, while another ruled by corrupt dictators may well be seen as a victim.

Al insult the recipe successful, the application of zero-sum fallacy prevents most backward societies progress, offering instead a justification for its failure and a channel to express their resentment. But in reality, it seems that the unscrupulous optimistic not so concerned about the progress of disadvantaged societies as blaming the companies prevail, and that brings us to the origin of this fallacy.

As I said in a previous post, Scruton puts it, like the rest of analyzing, emotions arising in our caveman past. However, I think the origin of this fallacy is particularly close: the destruction of religion Marxist reality. More specifically, the zero-sum fallacy may be an attempt to save the failure of the prophecy of the pauperization (according to which capitalism would end up polarizing the entire wealth of the privileged few and a huge mass without resources), transferring it to the international arena. This gets the optimist barely keep their beliefs, and continue providing its power of some evil to blame for its failure.